Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kissing In the Rain

Let me start by asking; have you ever kissed before? Ofcourse we all may have kissed before, but some of us have sure "kissed" more passionately before. Remember the last real passionate kiss you had? How did it feel? Like heaven? Oh! and that is what I mean by Kissing.

Or, do you feel like a child oblivous of the rest of the world and its troubles, in the arms of your lover when you kiss?

However the way you felt, it sure will not compare to "kissing in the rain!"

It is most romantic, passionate, and soul thrilling.

So...when next he/she visits and it rains, jump into the rain, it adds fun, romance, and adventure into your relationship. It also helps to rekindle your love.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

10 Wrong Reasons for Getting Married

The next worse thing after Hell is a bad marriage.

Lust: Ordinarily, lusting after someone can make us preoccupied by thoughts of them. The fact that we are preoccupied with thoughts of someone is not a confirmation of love. We must learn not to confuse love with lust. If we get married by lustful desires, the marriage will collapse when these desires have been satisfied.

Liking the idea of Marriage: Oh, I love the idea of a gorgeous wedding gown, or smart suit. Oh, I wonder how it will look on me. Oh, they say marriage is so sweet; I want to experience the feeling. These are all wrong reasons for getting married. Marriage is an institution, it’s not easy to build.

The fear of remaining unmarried: Never feel like age or time is running out on you. The anxiety that you are growing and yet married may instigate you towards a wrong decision. Always trust in your heart and believe that there is a soul mate for you.

Pressure: Do not give in to pressure of any sort, and from any source. Make sure that you are in a good communication with your God, before you make that decision. Remember, the next worse thing after Hell is a bad marriage.

Escape from being jilted: Do not use marriage as an escape root from anything. The fear of jilt has the power to say “I do” to any proposal that comes your way.

Money: Happiness is the cornerstone of a good marriage. “When happiness is in a marriage, it becomes a home.” Arguably, money cannot buy such happiness mentioned here. Also, unfortunately for ladies, many of the extra nice men who could make great husbands are yet rich.

Beauty: This is the same as buying a real estate because of its paint. Paint wears, so does beauty. What happens next, when beauty fades? Bitterness and guilt sets into the marriage.

Accidental Pregnancy: The fact that you accidentally got pregnant or impregnate a girl does not make marriage binding for both parties.

Do not get married to satisfy your parents or hurt them. Neither get married to escape from them.

Never get married because of pity.

Interested in Articles:
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Beauty:Essential Tips for Body Pampering

Monday, May 25, 2009

Making Love

Sunshine is for the break of dawn,
The moon when the night is on.
My blood runs torrent, and
My emotions burn
As you love me.
Face me
Facing you
Saddle me like a horse.
Sail on me, like a ship on the ocean
Mildly watched, by the night eye.
Strip me
Stripping you,
Prey on me, praying not my coming.
My adore, make this heaven everlasting.
Hold me tight,
Caress me to nine.
Oh I'm speechlessly speaking.
